This recent call out for Perth Leak Detectors was for water leak detection in Scarborough.

Amongst 6 units, unit 5 contacted us following unexplained high water usage on their water bill.

We located the pipe that ran through unit 1’s front garden and then all the way to unit 5.

After locating the leak using our specialist acoustic sound equipment, it became clear that the leak was in unit 1’s front garden, which we then marked and repaired the following day. 

Water leaks waste WA’s precious water supply and result in increased water bills. If not fixed early on, it can also, over time, cause significant structural damage to your property or home.

Our process is simple;

  • Report your suspected leak to Perth Leak Detectors
  • We visit your home or office and provide a comprehensive leak detection inspection and report
  • Using our state of the art Electronic Acoustic Leak Detection equipment and/or thermal imaging camera we identify the location of any potential leak and recommend a solution
  • We will provide a quote and assessment on the costs and time involved in fixing your leak

We can also help you to submit required paperwork to the Water Corporation to get any large water bills incurred as a result of the leak reviewed.

For water leak detection in Scarborough, or anywhere else in Perth’s northern suburbs, contact us today!

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